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Yannick Günzel

PhD student 

Neuroethologist with a research focus on the mechanisms underlying insect decision-making and swarming behavior.

Yannick examines how different cues are processed in the desert locust's brain and how these processes are modulated by crowding. His research employs a combination of behavioral experiments, Bayesian modeling, and in-vivo calcium imaging to uncover the neural mechanisms underlying social interactions and sensory processing in the context of locust-swarming behavior.


- Best Paper Award' 2024 - the Department of Biology at the University of Konstanz.

Awarded for the work on locust olfactory processing (

- Breaking News Best Paper Award' 2023, 3rd place, the German Neuroscience Society. Awarded for the work on locust escape behavior.


Engagement in the research community: 

- Student representative, International Max Planck  Research School (IMPRS), 2021.

- Co-organizer of the  Neurobiology Doctoral Student Workshop (NeuroDoWo), 2023.

Science communication and outreach:  

- Blog entry on The Science of Collective Behaviour in Konstanz

- Featured in the SWR documentary "Heuschrecken im Holodeck" (Locusts in the Holodeck).

- Featured in Xenius, Arte: “Nützliche Heuschrecken - Und warum einige zur Plage werden

ORCID: 0000-0001-7553-4742

Google Scholar:
Twitter: @YGuenzel

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